Planned Obsolescence

Obsolescencia Programada (Comprar, Tirar, Comprar) from Benjamín Mejías on Vimeo.

This documentary is one of the most interesting programs I have seen in a while.

I know, it’s in Spanish, but it’s worth a try -some of you may understand it. I’ll try to make a little summary anyway.

Wikipedia says about it that: “the planned obsolescence or built-in obsolescence in industrial design is a policy of planning or designing a product with a limited useful life, so it will become obsolete, that is, unfashionable or no longer functional after a certain period of time. Thus, the consumer is under pressure to purchase again”.

Companies can use the least expensive components that satisfy product lifetime projections. In other words, some companies do worse products with worse quality components exclusively so we have the need to buy more as soon as the product breaks down. This fact is shown in this documentary, like a light bulb that it has been working for almost a century, within others.

Our only hope it’s to buy more responsibly and sustainable, and see if this barely legal practices come to an end.


Os dejo con el documental de la obsolescencia programada. Muchos de vosotros habréis oído hablar de él, incluso algunos lo habréis visto. Vale la pena sentarse y ver los escasos 30 min que dura.

Nuestra única esperanza es el comprar mas conscientemente e intentar ser sostenibles. A ver si así combatimos esta práctica que roza casi la ilegalidad.